[VIDEO] Creating a Culture of Candid Feedback: Beyond the “Open Door” Policy

David Sonn
David Sonn President

Hi, Dave here from Arc Intermedia. Today’s “What Am I Working On Today?” video isn’t about digital marketing tactics, but something even more foundational: creating a company culture where everyone feels empowered to share their honest opinions.

The backdrop? The awe-inspiring Bryce Canyon National Park. A reminder that sometimes, the most profound insights come when we step back and look at the bigger picture.

The Katie Story

I share a story about one of our team members, Katie, who recently pushed back on my hiring decision. This may not have been easy for a lot of people, but because we’ve built a culture where counter-arguments are welcomed, she felt comfortable speaking up. And she was absolutely right.

This got me thinking: how many great ideas are squashed because people are afraid to challenge the status quo?

The True Open Door

It’s not enough to just say you have an open-door policy. You need to actively cultivate a culture of trust and openness. That means:

  • No Repercussions: People need to know they won’t be punished for disagreeing.
  • Consistent Support: Encourage feedback at all levels, and show that you value different perspectives.
  • Positive Presentation: Train your team to offer alternatives and solutions, not just complaints.

Watch the Video for More

I dive deeper into this topic in the video, sharing insights for both leaders and team members on how to foster a culture of candid feedback.

At Arc, we believe that diverse perspectives lead to better outcomes. And that starts with creating a space where everyone feels safe to speak their mind.

Stay Tuned

We’ll be back with more “What Am I Working On Today” videos, covering everything from the latest marketing trends to the challenges of running a business. Subscribe to our channel to stay in the loop!