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2025 Digital Marketing Trends

This article explores 7 significant digital marketing trends predicted to shape 2025, including the rise of AI-powered search engines, the dominance of digital video advertising, the growing influence of social media commerce, and the importance of user-generated content.

Why You Need to Be Re-targeting

Advertisers claim that online re-targeting converts 20 percent higher than other online marketing efforts. Are you taking advantage of re-targeting?

David SonnDavid Sonn

What to Do When Consumers Don’t Realize They Want What You Have

What do you do when consumers don’t search for the type of product or service you offer? You read this article on how online marketing can get your message in front of your target audience.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

Is Your Website Killing Your Company?

Your website is a consumer’s first impression of your company. Not your beautiful offices or expertly trained staff answering the phone. If your website isn’t polished, professional, and perfect, your company isn’t respected. It’s as simple as that.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

Is It Really the Age of Real-Time Marketing?

The blackout during the Super Bowl convinced companies that real-time marketing via Twitter is a new and lasting marketing trend. This article argues that those companies are wrong.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

Solids Tips for How to Reinvent Your Marketing

Take a good long look at your marketing copy. Does it read like a hard pitch from a used car salesman? Even good writing can often come on too strong, and end up turning a customer off. It’s time for a whole new take...

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

What Do Customers Think?

Do you know what your customers want? Do you know what they think of you? Essential to any successful marketing effort is to understand your customers’ perceptions and ensure that they match yours. So, how do you do that?

David SonnDavid Sonn

Save Yourself: Crisis Communication in a Social Media World

The old ways of dealing with a crisis are gone. This article will help you make sense of how to deal with a negative situation in the world of social media.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

Do You Need a Mobile App or a Mobile Website?

So you’ve decided you need a mobile presence to engage the millions of smartphone users. How do you do that? This article will help you decide if you need a mobile app or a mobile website.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

5 Ways an Online Press Release is Better Than Facebook Advertising

Online press releases are a powerful, inexpensive way to boost your SEO and get direct traffic to your site. In fact, we think they’re better for generating traffic than Facebook advertising.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

6 Reasons Why SEO Is as Important as Your Site Itself

You’ve spent many sleepless nights designing and developing a glorious website for your product. You’ve poured over CSS templates, meticulously set up your CMS, and configured your web analytics package. Now that the all-important site launch announcement has been freshly fired off, why are...

Ron SansoneRon Sansone

5 Tips for Writing Killer Website Copy

The best designed website can only be successful with strong copy. Follow these 5 tips on how to write website content that will motivate your audience to take action.

Matt UlmerMatt Ulmer

Why I Love Paid Search

Sometimes, something that sounds too good to be true actually isn’t. Paid Search (or Search Engine Marketing) really is one of the most effective and cost-efficient forms of advertising currently available. Read all about why Arc’s president is in love with Paid Search.

David SonnDavid Sonn

Stability and Growth

Established in 2010, solely with digital offerings from the onset, Arc Intermedia is a proven and stable business that companies have partnered with longer than most digital agencies have existed. Clients entrust us with substantial marketing budgets and responsibilities to produce meaningful results. We have invested in the people, tools, data, and resources so they don’t have to. Our Philadelphia-area firm is versatile and nimble, able to pivot when necessary, to effectively and efficiently increase customer acquisition for companies seeking growth.