15 years of digital marketing done right! See how we've done itSee how we've done it

Why Choose Arc Intermedia?

100% Pure Digital

The only way to be a true expert in digital is to focus solely on digital. We don’t just dabble in it or have some digital personnel as a means to get the traditional marketing work some agencies prefer. We specialize strictly in digital efforts – and get great results because of it.

Serious Investments

To succeed in the fast-paced digital arena, we invest heavily in tech tools and the talented marketing professionals who use them wisely. Our clients get the advantage of our investments.

Full Spectrum Respect

Because digital marketing has so many moving pieces, we make sure clients remain informed and comfortable with our process. We’re sensitive to the fact that what we do affects companies’ revenues. As a partner, we make sure to respect budgets, goals, time, and of course the people themselves.


When agencies focus on a single industry they inevitably fall into the trap of churning out the same work for all clients. The advantage we gain by serving multiple industries is that we take inspiration and successes from one vertical to another, producing unique and fresh efforts.

Fire Us

We provide complete transparency with full reporting on outcomes relative to goals. Clients receive every bit of data and analysis necessary to measure success or even start a new effort elsewhere, should they fire us. Thankfully, we don’t get fired.